

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

L'Aviation légère en France Roger Gaborieau

L'Aviation légère en France
Roger Gaborieau
Espace Air Passion - Blue Ciel diffusion
This is a big, thick, marvelous book, packed with images and information about a period of aviation that many of us love (1920-1942), mostly Golden Age. It's scope encompasses just France, but touches tangentially and briefly planes from another countries.
If you don't read French, you may be delighted and well served anyway because of the amount and quality of the images, graphics and hard data -that are universal-.
It also includes sailplanes and even flying models.
There are some color profile drawings, but I did not see plans or 3views.
The quality of the paper, binding and printing of this publication is exquisite.
My book came from France (I live in California) superbly packed and well protected, even shrink-wrapped, and arrived in less than two weeks by special (printed material) mail, so your mailing costs are reduced.
This is certainly a book that is worth every cent you spend, and will guarantee many happy days of perusing and inspiration (in my case) for modeling projects.

You can see a few images and reviews in French here:
and here:

I have made during the years many of the machines I see portrayed in the book (almost all scratchbuilt), and I must confess I do love those unusual French designs, as well as some of the more conventional ones.
Here a list of links for the articles in this blog for those models, some made many years ago, some more recently. And that's why I love this kind of books, they do not only provide very useful information, but kindle the flame of modeling (not all of these models have their counterparts in the book, but there are scores of others in the book that I now want to model!):

Payen Pa. 101

Farman 1020

Auburn-Payen AP-10


Riout 102T Alerion

Pou du ciel

Peyret Sailplane

Farman F.250

Clement Triplane

Arnoux Simplex Racer

Peyret Mauboussin PMH X

Nieuport Delage NiD 37 racer

Caudron Simoun

Delanne II and Moreau JM-10

Morane Saulnier MS230 Detroyat conversion

Morane Saulnier MS225 Detroyat conversion

Farman 200 Tourisme

Farman F.190

Caudron C.600

Arnoux Stablavion


  1. Looks like a wonderful but quite expensive book.

    1. Hi Kees
      I believe the price is a result on one hand of the printing and paper quality, which is excellent, and as said in the review, the fact that you have to defray the cost among a small amount of copies. That explanation doesn't make it cheaper, but in my case it makes the expense at least more justifiable.
